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Dragon Nest - Assassin Job Description Skills And Weapons



Job Description
- Hunter who inherits ancient assassination technique; good at tracking enemies and assassinate them in an instant.
- Death messenger and reaper, uses chain and darts to track and kill enemies
- Stealthy marauder who lurks in darkness, kills enemies before they even turn their head.

Basically a close range damage dealing class.
However, he is also good in long range battle with chain and shuriken.
He has good attack and quick evasive skills.

Cool Time Charging Skill
Invisible Skill
Possess nimble movement and unleash attack at good timing.

Assassin Weapons

Other Info:
• Assassin is a male class with split personality.
• the weapon he wield are Scimitar and Crook ; attack range is between warrior and kali.
• Job Advancement: Assassin > Chaser > Ripper or Raven ; the other branch of job advance is not revealed yet.
• Assassin has invisible skill and cool time charging skills. Cool time charging is a new mechanics in assasin's skill tree. He can prolong the CD of certain skills and boost their dmg , according to the cooldown prolonged.
• lv80 cap is expected to be released in 2014, with New (non-EX) skills
• There will be a talking ninja cat in the assasin's storyline.

Skill Name
Speedy Cut - Assault and slash enemy. When skill level reaches 6, 11 and 16, it can be re-use 1 more time. Physical attack    .

Dirty Trick – Throw soil to interfere with enemy’s field of view, and follow by a surprise attack to take down enemy. Physical attack    .

Piercing Star – Gather chi on hand and throw the spinning shuriken in the frontal direction. When skill level reaches 6, 11 and 16, it can be re-use 1 more time. Physical attack    .

Fan Blade – Rotate the body and use centrifugal force to throw shuriken to surrounding enemies. Physical attack    .

Shadow Hand – Shadow which traces movement, flies towards enemies and break their superarmor. Physical attack    .

Triple Edge – Move with 3 spinning shuriken. Physical attack    .

Leap – Enable the use of double jump.

Shadow Active – Recover HP on near death condition. Max HP     recovery.

Shadow Fade – Increase the critical  damage of you and your ally to 210% of normal  damage (instead of 200%), by throwing smoke bomb.

Scud Kick – Press “special attack” to do a roundhouse kick and knock back enemies.

Swipe –Press “special attack” near a knock-down target and continuously attack it. Physical attack    .

Arc Collision – Press “special attack” while jumping to grab enemies and spin down. Physical attack    .

Forceful Kick – Press “special attack” near stunned enemies to do a roundhouse kick and launch the target into the air.

Smoke – Press “special attack” the moment you hit the target to release a smoke screen and knockback surrounding enemies. Physical attack    .

 Evade enemies’ attack and leave a barrel which can induce debuff. Enemies which are affected by the debuff will receive critical damage when being hit.


Open Edge – Slide behind enemy and throw 3 shuriken in the frontal direction. Physical attack   

Applause – Use chain sickles from both sides to sweep the enemies in the middle. Physical attack    .

Rake – Throw multiple shuriken in a fan-shaped manner. After spinning and exploding, the shuriken will return to the caster and deals additional  damage. Physical attack    .

Rain Drop – Crows take to the air and rain shuriken down. Skill re-use time can be stored up to 3 times (Cool Time Charging Effect). Dark physical attack    .

Punishment – Spin the body and attack enemies with 3 shuriken. Physical attack    .

Terminate – Possessed by madness, releases chains which slow movement speed. After that, the caster flies up and laughs hysterically before throwing a lot of shuriken.

Shift Blow – Swiftly punch the enemy continuously. Physical attack    .

Blade Rush – Disappear after knocking back enemies. After that, the caster spins his body and slashes down from above. Skill re-use time can be stored up to 3 times (Cool Time Charging Effect)

Camouflage – Appearing suddenly in front of the target, kick the target twice and float it. Physical attack    .

Mortal Blow – Dash forward and launch enemies into the air with elbow. After hitting, the caster disappears and re-appears in the air, knocking down enemies with his fist.Physical attack    .

Izuna Drop – Suck surrounding enemies up into the air, turning them and dropping them back to the ground.Physical attack    .

Illlusion Step – Use the power of illusion and enter stealth state. Under stealth state, attack speed, moving speed and superarmor increase. Stealth status will not be dispelled even under attack and the user is immune to all abnormal status. Under stealth status, ‘normal attack’ is changed to a wider attack and using ‘special attack’ allow you to dash forward quickly.

Receive Edge – When being attacked by enemies in air, counter-attack by pressing 'normal attack' by throwing 3 shuriken and regain his position.

Fade – After using this, the caster enters an invisible state and remove all aggro on himself.While in this state, the  damage he deal increases but  damage received by him is increased. When he hit an enemies, the invisible status is dispelled.Additional  damage    ,  damage received increase by y%, duration z sec

 After jumping, press directional keys to slide, leaving a residual shadow.

Chain Burst – Exploding surrouding enemies and himself, disappear with ashes and reappear again. While using other chaser’s skills, this skill can be also activated by pressing “Jump”.Physical attack    .

Mark of Crow – Sacrifice crow and grant a damage boosting buff to party members. Enemies of high HP receive additional damage; every 1% of HP grants additional     of  damage. Duration y sec.

Mark of Werewolf – Sacrifice shadow to reduce magical damage and recover Hp when receiving magical damage. Magical damage     reduce and max HP  recover.

Cripple Punisher – Throw chain sickle to the front and attack enemies. While chasing targets, you can execute additional attack by jumping and attacking with scimitar. Physical attack    .

  Extend shadow to surrounding and slow enemies’ movement. Every time the affected enemies try to attack, deal  damage to them equal to     of base attack. Physical attack y%, movement speed slow by z%.

   Collect chi of crow and release it to grant “Patient status” to all allies. The effect of 'Patient Status' is gradually enhanced with time if one does not attack. Under the 'Patient Status', when one uses the first skill, the skill damage is increased according to the waiting time. After that, 'Patient Status' is dispelled. Attack gradually increases     after every y sec. Maximum 6 cycles, duration z sec.


Umbra – Many crows gather and attack frontal enemies. Physical attack    .

Open Edge EX – Strengthen Open Edge.Shuriken is enhanced with crow shuriken and float enemies. Additional  damage    .

Applause EX – Strengthen Applause. After the initial attack, press 'normal attack' to raise additional chain sickles to knock down enemies. Additional  damage    .

Rake EX – Strengthen Rake. Throw another 3 shuriken. Additional  damage    .

Punishment EX – Strengthen Punishment. After the initial 3 hits, attack the enemies once more with chain sickle. Additional  damage    .


Arsonist – Possessed by madness, acquires flame aura. Strengthen flame attack
and flame resist. Additional flame attack    , flame resist y%, duration z sec.

Cruelty – Possessed by madness, pummels frontal enemies. Physical attack    .

Shift Blow EX – Strengthen Shift Blow. After combo attack, charge up Chi within fist and punch enemy. You can immediately terminate action by pressing attack but  damage will much less. Additional  damage    .

Mortal Blow EX – Strengthen Mortal Blow. The AOE and damage of downward attack is increased. Additional  damage    .

Camouflage EX – Strengthen Camouflage.After the two kicks, the falling enemies can be kicked and launched into the air again. Additional  damage    .

Izuna DropEX – Strengthen Izuna Drop. The speed of suction and the AOE of the dropping attack are increased. Additional  damage    .

Reference: thisisgame.com & duowan.com


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