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Dragon Nest Movie ~ Rise of the Black Dragon New Year Exposure

Dragon Nest Movie ~ Rise of the Black Dragon

It is reported, 3D Movie "Dragon Valley" Episode I experienced two years of careful planning, finally will meet you at the theater this summer. The big movie by the long shadow of the Group, Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., Shanda, rice Pictures, Golden Eagle cartoon co-produced. Has produced "Mission Impossible 3", "High School Musical" series, "Kung Fu" and other Hollywood blockbusters producer Bill Borden and by virtue of "Lord of the Rings" won the Oscar for Best Art Direction for Grant Major heavyweight to join the "Long Valley "China will become the country's first mainstream online adaptation, the true meaning of the global issue of 3D animation masterpiece, it will certainly bring a different visual experience for gamers around the world. On the occasion of the New Year, we learned surprise, big movie role information and some stills have been exposed. Let us know about these mysterious big movie role, take a look at their fantastic live it.

Lambert - hanging wire careerist

Lambert was born in the town's civilian boy, is in the original Dragon Warrior Valley pioneer and role model. From the re-emergence of the Black Dragon Altria continent in the moment, his life was filled with tragedy, war and let the smoke disappearing forever homes and parents, it is difficult to resist Gouqietousheng, then destroy the Black Dragon became immortal minds Lambert beliefs. I believe the students are familiar with the game story in the game against Lambert identity and deeds may be familiar, but! Please do not give non-player students Spoilers Oh!



Liya - a touch of bright green dark era

Nair as Elf Princess Wen's entourage, she is a hardened, experienced archer elf, elves with ancient wisdom and high character, under a beautiful appearance, age became a fan forever. Years of border war in humans and elves accumulated for a long time have become increasingly acrimonious, when pure Liya met Lambert, finally discovered how complex human beings is a nasty and strange species.

(Hatred of the human spirit can be seen from this figure, beware knee arrows ah, Lambert)

Barna - plus alcohol equals manly stench

 Barna straightforward heroic, mighty, always wanted to do first post, hit again, when he became a member of the young warriors of the Kingdom's army, the Black Dragon seeing rampant forces, army chiefs gradually succumbed to the power of the Black Dragon, insisted he was expelled from the army to resist the Barna. After Barna started alone, once the strength of his mercenary group can be the enemy, the evil forces of the increasingly powerful mercenary countless crashed, and the rest are no longer willing to risk and returned to his family, sailed the seven seas in Barna once again become a leader without any followers.

Now Barna no longer rub loyalty and responsibility in the mouth, he only cares about money, money will be able to use his amazing power, no money no chance!

Geraint & Al Gita - the descendants of the mysterious Dragon

Maronite identity of their descendants are kept secret. After the Black Dragon, Geraint and Al Gita together with Ranger claimed that the relief of the poor, has become the backbone of the Black Dragon confrontation.

Although Geraint witnessed the entire history of the kingdom, looking around the evil and injustice, but always hopeful for humanity, optimism, kindness. Where he did not calm refined, chivalric and never asking for anything. And 哥哥杰兰特 different Al Gita to mankind as a total gross remember, she knew human greed and selfishness, and humans deliberately kept his distance.

Beth Quixote - the key line of the sword

Young, head of the Royal Knights Beth Quixote, for repeatedly hit defeated Black Dragon Monster Army to defend the human territory, made for a household of young talent. But also because many times the Savior, and won the trust of the human king. Beth Quixote and Geraint had fought side by side, depending on each other as close friends, Beth Quixote serious cold and only in the presence of Geraint, will reveal affinity sunny side.

McConnell Man - a firm positive energy communicators

Under the weight of the Black Dragon, Fairy Queen Black Dragon proposals and joint human raid, but it was the unanimous opposition. Only the queen's daughter - Princess Wen Nair voluntary petitions submitted to the human kingdom. Although inexperienced Wen Nair, prompting her desire for peace may be to make changes. Nair Wen convened elite archers moon mission, bring a confidant Liya, embarked on the road to the holy heaven.

Kara autumn - the magic out of the swamp lotus

Mysterious her petite sexy, but exudes playfully carved queen temperament. Her disgust with the pastor as the representative of the king who lived in the town of decent human hypocrisy, bent in lotus swamp painstaking practice, can be derived from the Black Dragon's minions have finally got there, calm was broken up.

When Elf Princess Wen Nair with Black Dragon and Human League's proposal to attack Lotus Swamp, angry and helpless Kara autumn holding uneasy state of mind, Nair added text camp. For her, the enemies outside world more than a Black Dragon.

Te Lama By - ice as persistent guardian goddess

Young, head of the Knights of the Temple priest 特拉玛 follow, is a devout votaries of the goddess.

Over the years, he looked at this piece of land has been trampled on Black Dragon, watching the human kingdom this inaction, in the heart of every day to accept their admonition. Under his seemingly indifferent stern exterior, the inner flame of justice but always looking forward to the moment of the outbreak.

Heroes "dinner" stills exposure

There are heroes of this exposure, "dinner" living pictures. World War II approached, even the best food in front of them also like Juela it.

(Dishes on the table is very rich, but also put the production team of conscience)

(Pressure Beth Alexander Quixote)

(By the way Tucao Geraint, Rejoice do you use?)

(Young Kara autumn with a sense of great teacher)

(Elf Princess Wen Nair refined temperament, thanks to Barna great looks and eat with foil)
(Lambert promising that you dare! Dinner Dayton serious smile is the only expose you ah!)

Fantasy world scene shocked exposure

(Gallop in the jungle boy Lambert)

(Black Dragon Monster ready to go)

(Build-up in the army. Academy Award for Best Art Direction Grant Major to join, making the scene more than the game screen up a few orders of magnitude.)

(Divine Paradise Street, Europe full range of children. Blowing warm rich flavor of life.)

(Overlooking the holy heaven)

(Six heroic battle scenes design is the initial exposure)

(At the foot of Geraint and Al Gita is a dense mass of Black Dragon Monster Army)

(What is this going up the pillars? Do not know what to think at the moment Lambert)

I believe the team two years grinding grain, this work is bound to become the most eye-catching summer 2014 masterpiece, please look forward to it this summer visual feast.

Source http://dn.sdo.com/


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